
Choosing To Live A Healthier Life

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Choosing To Live A Healthier Life

A few years ago, I realized that I needed to get healthy for my kids. I weighed around three hundred pounds, and it was really difficult for me to get around comfortably. I was even having problems with things like sleeping and driving, which is why I shifted my focus to a healthier lifestyle. I started eating right and exercising daily, and I quickly realized that my life was improving day after day. One day, after losing about a hundred pounds, I realized that I could run faster than I had ever been able to before. This blog is all about choosing to live a healthier life and doing it with style.

Carpal Tunnel Versus Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - Which One Is It?

If you are experiencing sharp pains in your wrist or arms or numbness or tingling in your hands, it is often easy to assume that you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Unfortunately, this may not be the case. The cause of your pain may be being caused by another nerve in your arm, and you may actually be suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome. Both are caused by the compression of a nerve, but this compression takes place in different places. Understanding the difference between the two will put you on the right track when you have a conversation with your hand surgery specialist.

Exactly What Is The Cause Of Your Pain?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of your median nerve and tendons in your carpal tunnel, which travels from your forearm into the center of the palm of your hand. The compression normally takes place in the area of your wrist. This compression is commonly caused by some of the following:

  • Injury or trauma to your wrist
  • Work related stress
  • Frequent use of vibrating tools
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cyst or tumor
  • Genetics 

Cubital tunnel syndrome is developed as a result of compression of your ulnar nerve. This nerve runs from right above your elbow to your little finger. This is the nerve that gives you that weird sensation when you accidentally strike your funny bone. 

Although compression can normally take place at several places along your arm, the compression is most normally found in your elbow. This compression is commonly caused by:

  • Injury or trauma to your elbow area
  • Excessive leaning on your elbows
  • Sleeping or other activities that cause you to keep your elbows bent for extended periods of time

Exactly Where Is Your Pain Located?

Although everyone is different, if you are like most patients who experience carpal tunnel syndrome, you have probably experienced burning, tingling, itching, or pain in the palm of your hand and in your fingers. Due to the location of the nerve, any pain or discomfort that is present is usually experienced in your thumb and index and middle fingers, but it rarely impacts your little finger. 

If you are experiencing pain from cubital tunnel syndrome, this pain, numbness, or weakness, will generally affect your little finger, ring finger, and possibly other muscles in the palm of your hand, as well as up your arm. You may find that you experience difficulty in your fine motor skills, which will affect how you pick up small items, as well as your grip.

Exactly What Can You Do To Treat It?

For the best results, both syndromes need to be addressed as soon as you notice the signs and symptoms occur. Immediately schedule an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist. They will be able to run various test to diagnose your exact condition as well as to suggest early interventions that may relieve your condition and pain. These early interventions may also keep any further compression or complications from taking place. Early interventions your doctor may suggest may include various types of drug therapies such as:

In addition to drug therapy, your physician may also suggest:

  • Using stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Splinting the affected areas to remove the risk of compression
  • Avoiding activities that may be adversely affecting the area

In addition to these interventions, make sure that your orthopaedic specialist has your full medical history, so that they can also look for and address any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the syndrome that you are experiencing. If these interventions do not work, you may have to undergo surgery to take the pressure off of your nerve. For more information, contact a local orthopaedic clinic like Town Center Orthopaedic Associates